TAMPA, Fla. (December 20, 2022) – Since launching in June 2021, Agoro Carbon Alliance and participating farmers and ranchers have made significant contributions to mitigate climate change.
With more than $12 million in payments distributed, Agoro Carbon has made a real impact on farmers’ and ranchers’ bottom lines. Together, Agoro Carbon and partners are also making a big difference in global sustainability and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. The acres currently enrolled in Agoro Carbon’s program have the potential to sequester approximately 3.5 million tons of carbon in the soil over the next 10 years. That’s equivalent to removing the amount of carbon emitted from driving approximately 10 billion miles, or 40,390 trips around the world.
“Our goals for impact, supported by our long-standing expertise in agronomy to help guide the purposeful action of U.S. farmers and ranchers, differentiates Agoro Carbon in the rapidly-growing carbon farming market,” said Elliot Formal, CEO of Agoro Carbon Alliance. “We’re guided by transparency, security and collaboration, and are committed to supporting farmers and ranchers in their own long-term sustainability goals.”
The Outlook is Bright
Continued growth of acres enrolled is the next step for Agoro Carbon to reach ambitious impact goals within the agricultural sector. Agoro Carbon remains committed to farmer and rancher success through implementation of existing practices and thorough research and review of additional practices.
Driving innovation and adoption of new, novel management practices with strong, scientific validity will be critical in expanding Agoro Carbon’s offering to more farmers and ranchers in the coming years. The company will continue to invest and partner to progress these initiatives in 2023.
The U.S. is a key market for Agoro Carbon, due to the importance of American farmers and ranchers as leaders in world agriculture. Strong partnerships with producers are the cornerstone of Agoro Carbon’s business, supporting farmers and ranchers with a new revenue stream and an economically viable way to ensure a sustainable future of farming and ranching.
Investing in Tomorrow
Agoro Carbon, along with partners including the California Walnut Board and Commission and GO Seed, was recently awarded a USDA Climate-Smart Commodities grant of $3.8 million to incentivize establishment of cover crops in orchards. Agoro Carbon is also a partner on two other projects, which include supporting tribal farmers to grow cover crop seed into wheat fallow systems and creating climate-smart commodities through enhanced rock weathering, an emerging carbon capture technology. More information will be shared on Agoro Carbon’s plans for the USDA Climate-Smart Commodities grants early next year.
Reversing the effects of climate change won’t happen by chance. Farmers and ranchers committing to practices that improve the soil and sequester carbon play a critical role in positively improving the climate, and Agoro Carbon is eager to support them in their transition. This past year’s progress validates the growth potential of carbon markets in agriculture and signals that the market is here to stay.
To learn more about carbon farming and opportunities available for farmers and ranchers, visit www.agorocarbonalliance.com.
About Agoro Carbon Alliance
Agoro Carbon Alliance delivers a solution for the world’s carbon challenge that’s grounded in the soil. Agoro Carbon is committed to capturing carbon by supporting farmers and ranchers around the world to implement established conservation practices that build healthy soils. Partnership with Agoro Carbon opens a new revenue stream for farmers and ranchers and access to agronomic expertise while boosting profitability, sequestering carbon and reversing the effects of climate change.