A group of taxpayer, agriculture, and environmental organizations held a press conference to urge Congressional leadership to reject attempts to increase reference prices for covered commodities.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition was one of the groups who opposed raising the Price Loss Coverage reference prices in the 2023 Farm Bill at a time when gross farm income is higher than ever. “Taxpayer commodity program subsidies were designed as a safety net tool, triggered when necessary, to help protect against unpredictable losses that are a part of farming,” says Billy Hackett, NSAC Policy Specialist. “It’s not an annual entitlement program for the country’s most successful farms. Ten percent of the farms get 70 percent of the subsidies and throwing money at an unsustainable system is no solution.”
The other organizations taking part in the press conference included the Environmental Working Group, FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, Farm Action, and several others.