Crop insurance is the cornerstone of America’s farm safety net and supports the rural economy and America’s national food security.
National Crop Insurance Services has assembled several fact sheets highlighting the importance of agriculture and demonstrating how crop insurance keeps America growing. For example, crop insurance protects more than 490 million acres of U.S. farmland. It covers 136 crops and 604 varieties with 36 different insurance plans. Crop insurance does require farmers to invest in their own protection and share the risk. Last year, farmers paid $6.8 billion to buy more than 1.2 million crop insurance policies.
The public-private partnership between the federal government and private crop insurers ensures that aid is delivered quickly, usually within 30 days of a claim being finalized. As if that’s not enough, the number of Americans who benefit from a bountiful supply of domestically-produced food totals 336 million. The state-by-state breakdown is available at