The National Milk Producers Federation strongly opposes legislation introduced in both chambers of Congress that would increase U.S. vulnerability to infant formula supply disruptions. The bill would increase U.S. reliance on imported formula and formula inputs.
It would also unilaterally and permanently remove tariffs and tariff rate quotas on infant formula and infant formula base powder, resulting in lost jobs and foreign dependence. “This bill puts in place new one-way street trade conditions that would harm dairy farmers, cooperatives, and processors,” says Jim Mulhern, NMPF president and CEO. “We vehemently object to putting unilateral import expansion on the backs of U.S. dairy farmers.”
The organization says the bill is a misguided response to the dire shortages of infant formula that occurred last year after a temporary production crisis at a large U.S. formula manufacturing plant. The FDA says formula stocking levels are higher than those seen before last year’s shortage.