OLATHE, Kan. (June 5, 2023) – To meet the demands of today’s high-yielding rice varieties and tighter harvesting windows faced by farmers, John Deere offers a new rice package for model year 2024 X9 1000 combines that can harvest up to 3,200 bushels per hour.
The rice package features enhanced wear parts of key components inside the combine. The tougher coatings and stainless-steel parts can better withstand the abrasiveness of hybrid rice varieties when compared to previous models.
While harvesting rice, MY24 X9 1000 combines equipped with the rice package can provide up to 65% more harvesting capacity while using 20% less fuel when compared to John Deere S790 combines. This increased harvesting capacity is possible thanks to the dual separator of the X Series that’s built to handle high crop volume without sacrificing grain quality. This ensures smooth crop flow during harvest, even in downed rice.
The grain tank on the X9 1000 can hold up to 420 bushels of rice so farmers can spend more time harvesting and less time stopping to offload grain.
To learn more about the new rice package for X9 1000 combines, farmers should visit their local John Deere dealers or Deere.com for details.