BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Department of Commerce is pleased to announce the launch of the Creamery Assistance Grant, designed to support the state’s agricultural industry, enhance job opportunities, and drive economic growth.
With $250,000 available, the Creamery Assistance Grant allows Commerce to award the full sum to one recipient or divide it among multiple candidates based on proposal strength and alignment with state goals.
The grant’s core purpose is to financially boost an existing or emerging creamery business with a plan to advance economic and agricultural objectives within North Dakota. All registered creameries in the state are eligible. Priority will be given to those with clear business plans, showcasing current/future operations, expected outcomes, and alignment with state goals. Preference goes to enterprises fostering agriculture and economic growth.
Eligible entities can submit applications to Commerce by Sept. 25, 2023, at 5:00 pm CST. Applications should include applicant details, preferred contact, and funding request. Limited to ten pages, applications should be sent to Shayden Akason at
For further information about the Creamery Assistance Grant, please visit: