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50 Years of Rail Safety: OLI’s 2022 Annual Report Celebrates Achievements and Partnerships

WASHINGTON, DC, October 4, 2023 – Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), the national rail safety education nonprofit, has released its 2022 Annual Report, detailing the year’s accomplishments as Operation Lifesaver celebrated its 50th Anniversary. OLI’s mission is to empower the public to make safe choices when driving or walking near tracks and trains. Since OL’s inception in 1972, collisions at railroad crossings across the U.S. have dropped by 82% through education, engineering and enforcement efforts.

The colorful and engaging report brings OLI’s efforts alive by highlighting 2022 events, training classes, public outreach and Rail Safety Week activities as well as providing a summary of grant projects, a financial overview and a list of the organization’s partnerships.

Said Operation Lifesaver Inc. Executive Director Rachel Maleh, “Our 2022 Annual Report shows the many ways that OLI and its rail safety partners celebrated Operation Lifesaver’s 50th Anniversary, including sharing the rail safety message on locomotives and railcars! We also created a website landing page with videos from federal safety partners, an interactive timeline, a feature spotlighting 50 Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteers (OLAVs) and 12 Train Track Trivia online games. Social media efforts included posts about those 50 volunteers as well as 50 Throwback Thursday social media posts highlighting noteworthy people, materials and events of the last 50 years.”

Maleh continued, “I am indebted to the many safety partners who make our lifesaving work possible: our Board Members, State Coordinators, Coaches, Instructors, Trainers and our Volunteers as well as federal partners, state partners, rail companies, transportation and safety organizations, the Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh, law enforcement agencies, other first responders and many, many more,” she stated.

The 2022 Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Annual Report is available at under the About Us section.

The OLI website offers additional safety resources for a broad range of audiences – kids, teachers, first responders, new drivers, photographers, professional drivers, school bus drivers, transit riders and more. Free rail safety materials for these audiences include brochures, lesson plans, activity books, coloring books, posters and videos as well as interactive online games. Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteers, or OLAVs, offer free rail safety presentations to people of all ages across the U.S. To schedule a presentation, learn more about becoming a volunteer and making a difference in your community, visit today.

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