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HomeRegional NewsSDSU Extension Experts Win National Agricultural Association Awards

SDSU Extension Experts Win National Agricultural Association Awards

BROOKINGS, S.D. – South Dakota State University Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources experts were recognized nationally for their excellence in outreach and Extension programming.

The awards were presented Aug. 13-17, 2023, during the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference in Des Moines, Iowa.

Amanda Bachmann, SDSU Extension Pesticide Education and Urban Entomology Field Specialist, received the Distinguished Service Award; and Jaelyn Whaley, SDSU Extension Sheep Field Specialist, received the Achievement Award.

Both award winners were first chosen by the South Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Professionals, the state chapter of the national association. Laura Edwards, SDSU Extension State Climatologist and South Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Professionals Past President, said each state can nominate one person in each category.

“It’s an honor and really exciting to see them each be recognized at a national event,” Edwards said.

The Distinguished Service Award is presented to professionals with 10 years or more of service with Extension who have completed effective, constructive and outstanding work. Bachmann joined SDSU Extension in 2013 as a Consumer Horticulture Field Specialist and transitioned to Pesticide Education and Urban Entomology in 2014. She coordinates certification and re-certification programs for private and commercial pesticide applicators, and plans entomology events across South Dakota.

“It was an honor to be recognized by the South Dakota Association of Agricultural Extension Professionals and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents for this award,” Bachmann said.

The Achievement Award is presented to Extension professionals with fewer than 10 years of service who have demonstrated excellence in their work. In her role, Whaley focuses on commercial and range sheep production, and multi-species grazing with cattle and sheep. She also delivers youth and adult programs on wool evaluation, and organizes the national Black Hills Stock Show Collegiate Wool Judging Contest.

“I am humbled that my peers felt that the work that I do with SDSU Extension is worthy of this award,” Whaley said.

The SDSU Extension Agronomy team was also a national finalist in the Search for Excellence in Crop Production for the Crop Hour webinar series, and Patrick Wagner and Sara Bauder were each North Central Region winners and national finalists for Communication Awards.

Wagner, SDSU Extension Entomology Field Specialist, was a national finalist in the Published Photo category. His photo of a damaged potato plant is included with an article he co-authored on the SDSU Extension website titled “What Is Eating the Leaves on My Potato Plants?” available at https://extension.sdstate.edu/what-eating-leaves-my-potato-plants.

Bauder, SDSU Extension Forage Field Specialist, was a national finalist in the “Personal Column” category for her bi-weekly column titled “Sow and Grow with Sara,” which is published in more than 30 newspapers.

For more information, contact Amanda Bachmann, SDSU Extension Pesticide Education and Urban Entomology Field Specialist, at 605-773-8120 or Amanda.Bachmann@sdstate.edu; Jaelyn Whaley, SDSU Extension Sheep Field Specialist, at 605-374-4177 or Jaelyn.Whaley@sdstate.edu; Patrick Wagner, SDSU Extension Entomology Field Specialist, at 605-394-1722; Sara Bauder, SDSU Extension Forage Field Specialist, at 605-995-7378; or Laura Edwards, SDSU Extension State Climatologist, at 605-626-2870 or Laura.Edwards@sdstate.edu.

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