BROOKINGS, S.D. – South Dakota State University Extension is offering a one-day workshop on virtual fencing for producers and industry partners.
“Virtual Fencing 101: Expectations and Considerations” is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, on Jan. 11, 2024, at the Box Elder Events Center. It is free to attend. A pot roast lunch will be provided. A virtual option will be available, as well.
The workshop is for anyone interested in learning more about virtual fencing for cattle and sheep. Virtual fencing is an emerging precision agriculture technology that uses GPS and collars to keep animals within set boundaries.
“This is an excellent opportunity for producers to learn about challenges and opportunities with virtual fencing and if/how it can be a management tool for their operation,” said Krista Ehlert, assistant professor and SDSU Extension Range Specialist.
Workshop speakers include producers who are using virtual fencing in their operations and Extension specialists and researchers from South Dakota, North Dakota and Nebraska who have used virtual fencing. Presentations will focus on what to expect from virtual fencing and things to consider before adoption, including costs and alignment with management objectives. Attendees will also discuss virtual fencing on public land and receive an update from the Natural Resources Conservation Service on future cost sharing.
“We’re bringing together a variety of speakers – producers, Extension specialists, and researchers – who have used virtual fencing in different landscapes so there’s something for every producer to learn,” said Logan Vandermark, SDSU Extension Precision Livestock Field Specialist.
Registration is required by Jan. 4. to ensure adequate food. Register at and search “fencing”. A detailed agenda will be emailed to registered participants.
For more information, contact Krista Ehlert, assistant professor and SDSU Extension Range Specialist, at 605-394-2236 or; or Logan Vandermark, SDSU Extension Precision Livestock Field Specialist, at 605-394-2236 or