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HomeIndustry NewsSenate Committee Advances Bipartisan WRDA

Senate Committee Advances Bipartisan WRDA

ARLINGTON, Va., May 22, 2024 — The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) today commended the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works for unanimously advancing the Thomas R. Carper Water Resource Development Act of 2024 (WRDA), which authorizes navigation and ecosystem restoration projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). NGFA released the following statement:

“Today’s markup demonstrates the dedication of Chairman Tom Carper, D-Del., and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and fellow lawmakers to maintaining waterways infrastructure legislation on a biennial basis in a bipartisan fashion. In addition to authorizing 81 feasibility studies and eight new or modified construction projects, this bill directs the Corps to expedite the completion of several ongoing studies and projects from past WRDAs. The U.S. inland waterways system is essential to the operation of NGFA-member companies and the agricultural supply chain, with barges moving about half of all grains to export grain elevators. Efficient inland locks and dams and modern ports are critical to America’s comparative infrastructure advantage. We appreciate the efforts of committee leaders and Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee Chairman Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., and Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.”

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